
Jakarta International Conference for Creative Industries

Dina was invited by Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif Indonesia to contribute as a keynote speaker to Jakarta International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies towards Creative Industries. Her focus on links between multilingualisam and enhanced creativity was received with great interest in this country that recognises 721 indigenous languages, many of which are endangered. This was a hybrid event attended by over 200 delegates from a range of Asian and European countries. In the breaks, conversations and questions about Healthy Lingustic Diet were buzzing around the conference hall. Many participants felt it connected well with their multilingual realities and they appreciated the novelty of HLD approach, which attributed a new sense of value to their regional languages.

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‘Saya merasa kehilangan’:
Apakah hilangnya bahasa ibu di Indonesia masih bisa dicegah?

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‘Titiang Kaicalang Kasujatian Ragan Tiang Pedidi’:
Prasidakeh kereredan basa ibu ring Indonesia ketambakin?

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‘I feel a loss in myself’:
Can the loss of mother tongues in Indonesia be prevented?

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When concepts migrate: Complexities of migrating Healthy Linguistic Diet

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