
Meeting with the uTalk team 

Image above: With the uTalk team on the roof top of their Fulham offices

A possibility of an exciting partnership was discussed today between the uTalk team: Richard Howeson, uTalk Director, Emily Martyn, Languages Manger and Steve Eatock, Education Director and Dina Mehmedbegovic-Smith, Healthy Linguistic Diet Director. The aim of the joint efforts was identified along the lines of creating a bespoke app for schools which could be adapted according to a chosen subject area and curriculum content to support pupils in learning subject specific vocabulary in two or more languages. This app would be of relevance to all schools which implement bilingual models of education or CLIL  and to all bilingual/multilingual learners in any type of school. This app aims to provide a high level of engagement for school children and to support them in transfering academic knowledge they are aquiring between the languages they use.

Currently uTalk app can be used for learning key everyday vocabulary in 150 languages. uTalk – as its title clearly communicates, focuses on speaking skills: https://utalk.com/en

For any enquiries about the new initiative please email Dina: dina@healthylinguisticdiet.com

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