
A week at GEMS Al Khaleej International School

Image above: Inset session

On the invite of AKIS leadership team Dina has spent this week providing professional development sessions to AKIS teachers and midfle leaders. It’s been a great week of partnership, sharing good practice, challenges and insights. Dina is honoured to be AKIS governor and expert advisor on bilingualism.

With subject leaders

With subject leaders

With subject leaders

With subject leaders

With Ms Ghadeer Abu Shamat, Principle and CEO

With Ms Ghadeer Abu Shamat, Principle and CEO

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‘Saya merasa kehilangan’:
Apakah hilangnya bahasa ibu di Indonesia masih bisa dicegah?

Gambar di atas: Bersama para wisudawan di Universitas Udayana Translated by: Ince Dian Aprilyani Azir Tanggal More


‘Titiang Kaicalang Kasujatian Ragan Tiang Pedidi’:
Prasidakeh kereredan basa ibu ring Indonesia ketambakin?

Gambar ring baduur: Sareng lulusan Universitas Udayana Translated by: Ni Putu Sri Suci Artini Asih and More


‘I feel a loss in myself’:
Can the loss of mother tongues in Indonesia be prevented?

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When concepts migrate: Complexities of migrating Healthy Linguistic Diet

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