
Continuation of partnership with GEMS Al Khaleej International School, Dubai

Image above: With AKIS middle leaders

This week Dina is continuing her partnership with AKIS. She is providing professional development for AKIS teachers and school leaders. Jointly they are wirking on the landmark recommendation of the inspection team to implement bilingual strategies across the curriculum and different stages. This is a big step for integrating Arabic into everyday teaching and a big shift from ‘only English’ requirements by the inspection teams only six years ago. This stamp of approval from the inspection team for AKIS bilingual approach is the recognition of excellent bilingual practice and achievements made by AKIS within the last two years.

Planning next steps

Congratulations to the principle and CEO Ghadeer Abu-Shamat and all staff on such positive feedback and the beginning of a new chapter that will make a big difference to the use of Arabic in the curriculum and bilingualism in its school community. Dina is honoured and excited to be contributing in her roles, as an expert consultant and school governor, to this landmark shift, which has significance beyond this individual school.

Professional development session with AKIS teachers

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