Dina’s was invited to give a public lecture at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Udayana, Bali. She was warmly welcomed by colleagues and students on a stunning campus. Dina is excited to visit Bali and gain first hand insights into its rich cultural and linguistic diversity.
Gambar di atas: Bersama para wisudawan di Universitas Udayana Translated by: Ince Dian Aprilyani Azir Tanggal More
Gambar ring baduur: Sareng lulusan Universitas Udayana Translated by: Ni Putu Sri Suci Artini Asih and More
Image above: With the graduates at University of Udayana On February 21st we mark the UN More
Image above left: Thomas giving a keynote at the first International Conference on Language Development and Assessment More