We are honoured to be consulted by Baroness Coussins on the ‘language question’ in preparation for the House of Lords debate on the changes to 2021 census. Thomas and I have campaigned for many years in our public engagment events and our publications that the census question: ‘What is your main language?’ needs to be replaced by ‘What are your main languages?’. A very small change that will open doors for plurilingualism to be officially recognised and recorded in the UK! Today Baroness Coussines put our proposal for this change for a debate at the House of Lords and requested urgent government action to implement this. So exciting to see our scientific work make such a direct impact on a landmark social change! Hopefully!
Gambar di atas: Bersama para wisudawan di Universitas Udayana Translated by: Ince Dian Aprilyani Azir Tanggal More
Gambar ring baduur: Sareng lulusan Universitas Udayana Translated by: Ni Putu Sri Suci Artini Asih and More
Image above: With the graduates at University of Udayana On February 21st we mark the UN More
Image above left: Thomas giving a keynote at the first International Conference on Language Development and Assessment More