
Continuation of the partnership with Denmark, 2022

Image above: Dina with His Excellency Emir Poljo, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Copenhagen, and Minster of Education, Culture and Sport, Mr Rasid Hadzovic.

Session for teachers of B&H complimentary schools at the B&H Embassy, Copenhagen

As a part of an ongoing partnership with complementary schools for children from Bosnia & Herzegovina, Dina was invited to spend another working weekend in Copenhagen. She delivered sessions for parents and teachers, which were received with great interest and enthusiasm – especially the way in which Healthy Linguistic Diet can help parents and teachers in the process of maintaining and further developing Bosnian, as the home language of this community. His Excellency Emir Poljo, Ambassador of B&H in Copenhagen thanked Dina on her inspiring contribution and ongoing support for B&H schools in Denmark.

With the organisers and invited speakers

A session for parents and children

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