In this session we focused on repositioning language learning and language use as a new key health and wellbeing asset, that should be of interest not only to learners and educators, but health professionals, policy makers, economists and politicians looking to lighten the burden of dementia care on society. To put this argument into perspective here are some key figures:
According to Alzheimers society £80 million can be saved by improving hospital care.
How much can be saved by individuals putting off dementia by 3 – 5 years?
Gambar di atas: Bersama para wisudawan di Universitas Udayana Translated by: Ince Dian Aprilyani Azir Tanggal More
Gambar ring baduur: Sareng lulusan Universitas Udayana Translated by: Ni Putu Sri Suci Artini Asih and More
Image above: With the graduates at University of Udayana On February 21st we mark the UN More
Image above left: Thomas giving a keynote at the first International Conference on Language Development and Assessment More