
UN International Mother Tongue Day and HLD 5th Birthday!

On Sunday 21st Feb we mark the UN International mother tongue day and Healthy Linguistic Diet Website marks its 5th birthday! We are pleased to look through our news section News Archives – Healthy Linguistic Diet, which lists many of our activities and achievements in fulfilling our mission: reaching out to educators, parents, children and policy makers with accessible knowledge  on cognitive benefits of bilingualism and our approach to language learning as a part of our life-long wellbeing.

On this occasion Dina is also honoured to announce that she has become a governor/advisor for:

GEMS Al Khaleej National School, Dubai Al Khaleej National School – American school of Dubai (gemsakns.com) and that she will be working closely with the headteacher and CEO of this school, Mrs Ghadeer Abu Shamat, on enhancing the school’s bilingualism/multilingualism ethos and literacy practices based on that ethos. In these challenging times Dina feels very privileged to have Dubai as her temporary home, to have the opportunity to work with local educators and promote Healthy Linguistic Diet Approach in this exciting multilingual region.

As it is a tradition now we have written joint blogs for this occasion. This year we focus on Arabic. Our blogs you can find here and here:

We wish all our colleagues and everybody marking the UN International Mother Tongue Day every success with their activities. We would love to hear about your initiatives – please get in touch,

Dina and Thomas.

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